Все пунктуационные знаки английского языке перечислены в таблице с примерами ниже:
Mark |
Name |
Example(s) |
. |
full stop |
I love Polish food. |
, |
comma |
I speak Polish, Russian and English. |
‘World-English’, as everyone knows, is the best place to study English. | ||
; |
semi-colon |
I hate swimming; my girlfriend loves it. |
Neither of us spoke; we merely waited in silence to see what would happen. | ||
: |
colon |
You will need the following: some paper; a pencil; a pen, preferably blue or black; and your coursebook. |
Joanna became a director in just four months: her father was the chief shareholder. | ||
— |
hyphen |
He had something of a couldn’t-care-less attitude to life. |
— |
dash |
In each country — Egypt, India and China — we were able to communicate in English. |
— |
The following day we had better luck — but that is another story. | |
? |
question mark |
Where is the railway station in Skwierzyna? |
! |
exclamation mark |
«Help!» he cried. «I can’t swim!» |
/ |
slash |
Please press your browser’s Refresh/Reload button. |
« |
quotation marks |
«I think I’m falling in love with you,» she said. |
‘ |
apostrophe |
This is Simon’s car. |
( ) |
brackets |
Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes) are rich in vitamin C. |
[ ] |
(square) brackets |
The newspaper reported that the hostages [most of them French] had been released. |
… |
ellipsis |
One satisfied customer wrote: «This is the best school … in which I have ever studied» or in more colloquial speech «This is the best school…that I have ever studied at.» |
Источник: world-english.org