При подготовке к разделу speaking экзамена TOEFL бывает очень полезно подготовить образцы устного ответа, написав небольшие эссе. Дело в том, что на экзамене очень важно беглость речи, и умение четко произносить фразы, логично и точно выражать свои мысли, а также, уложиться в заданные временные рамки. Эти условия оказывается трудно выполнить, если не натренироваться до автоматизма заранее. Такие эссе могут здорово помочь при выполнении данной задачи. Здесь даны примеры таких сообщений, подготовленные одной из моих студенток. Мне кажется, что они могут послужить неплохим примером.
1. My favorite pastime is … traveling.
If I have free time, I prefer to travel over the World.
First, I enjoy learning new cultures, new traditions. For me the best way to understand an unknown culture is to spend time in corresponding countries.
Secondly, I like to communicate with other people; it gives me possibility to update my viewpoints. Usually, people from foreign counties teach me something new.
Finally, I like to sample exotic food. For example, I tried couscous in Tunisia, this dish is common there, but I could not try it in Moscow.
In conclusion, I prefer to travel if I have such opportunity.
2. My favorite city is … Paris.
I’ve been to many European countries, but I’ve not ever seen a city more impressive than Paris.
First, Paris is a very cultural city. There are many art museums in Paris, I was very happy to attend most of them.
Moreover, France is a very beautiful country and I like old French
buildings. Fortunately, a lot of buildings in Paris’ downtown have not been spoiled.
Finally, I prefer French cuisine to any other European ones.
3. My favorite class is … mathematics.
My favorite class is mathematics.
First, I enjoy dealing with numbers. Math usually requires many calculations.
Another reason I like mathematics is that this science might be very useful in my future actuary career. Also, math has many useful applications.
Finally, there are many unsolved problems in math. I would like to solve them.
There are reasons why mathematics is my favorite class.
4. My favorite book is … «Pride and Prejudice».
My favorite book is a novel called «Pride and Prejudice» written by Jane Austen.
First reason I like this book is that two main characters were able to change themselves, to overcome pride and prejudice. For me it is a good example of behavior.
Another reason I like this novel is that Jane Austin created so many characters and situations, that everybody can find something interesting for him or her. Anybody can find the personage which is close to him or her.
Finally, I learned a lot about England on 19 century from «Pride and Prejudice». I like to study the English history.
5. My favorite movie is … «Pride and Prejudice».
My favorite movie is «Pride and Prejudice» based on the novel written by Jane Austen.
First reason I like this movie is that two main characters were able to change themselves, to overcome pride and prejudice. For me it is a good example of behavior.
Another reason I like this movie is that Jane Austin created so many
characters and situations, so everybody can find something interesting for him or her. Anybody can find the personage which is close to him or her.
Finally, I learned a lot about England on 19 century from «Pride and Prejudice». I like to study the English history.
Не обязательно под каждую тему писать свое эссе. Обратите внимание, что два последних текста почти совпадают, но в первом речь идет о книге, а во втором — о фильме. Таким образом, если вы заранее продумаете список тем, а затем сгруппируете их, то сможете сильно сократить время на подготовку за счет уменьшения числа текстов.
Я готова ответить на Ваши вопросы и помочь избавиться от проблем с изучением английского языка.
Посмотрите мои контакты, узнайте обо мне немного, в моем расписании ещё осталось немного времени!