Ещё один пример ответа на ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Я хотела бы показать вам пример того, как можно выполнить одно из заданий устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Старайтесь использовать как можно больше описательных прилагательных. Это сделает вашу речь более богатой, интересной, и убедит экзаменаторов в вашем хорошем владении английским языком.

In the first picture you can see some people riding bicycles, and on the other one there are bikers.
I’d like to compare and contrast the photos. First of all, it’s necessary to say, that there is much in common between them. Firstly, in both pictures we can see people, riding on the road. Moreover all people are men. Also, the weather is good in both places and besides the roads are empty from other vehicles.
On the other hand, there are some differences between the photos. First of all the number of riders in both of them is different. In the first one there are two people, while in the other there are four of them, also in the first picture the riders are near the sea and at day time, when in the second one there is no sea and it is night. The main difference I have noticed is the fact that the people near the sea are riding bicycles, while the men in the second photo are on motorbikes. As a result, the clothes of two groups of men are different.
As for me, I’d prefer to join the first group, as I can ride a bike and also I consider riding a motorbike too dangerous.


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